Terms & Conditions
Miss Kirsty’s Performers offers classes in the performing arts; dancing, acting and singing. By enrolling your child at Miss Kirsty’s Performers, you accept these terms and conditions and sign your agreement to them as an ongoing agreement between you and Kirsty Cartlidge.
The Agreement is made between the parent/carer of each enrolled student and Kirsty Cartlidge, and is valid at all times whilst the Student is enrolled on any activity conducted by Miss Kirsty’s Performers and until written notice is given in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
· Weekly classes run Termly. "Term" refers to the block of classes running within the normal academic/school term (Autumn, Spring and Summer term).
· "Workshop" refers to a one-off course offering tuition in performing arts related activities.
Enrolling a new student
· For participation of a Student in a Miss Kirsty’s Performers Activity all Parents are required to consent to these Terms & Conditions by signature or by ticking the acceptance box for these Terms & Conditions when submitting an electronic application form online. Terms & Conditions may be updated from time to time.
· Places are allocated on a “first come, first serve basis” and must be accompanied with the appropriate payment.
· If we are unable to accept the student due to capacity reasons, the students may be places on a reserve list.
Payments and Fees
· For students enrolled on a workshop, full fees are paid in advance or no later than the first day of the activity.
· For students enrolled into weekly classes, the full termly fee must be paid. If paying in full this balance must be paid no later than the first day of term. If paying in two instalments the first instalment must be paid no later than the first day of term, the second instalment must be paid no later than the first day of classes following the half term break.
· Payments are subject to any alternative agreement made with Kirsty.
· Payments can be made by any of the following methods;
1. Bank Transfer
2. Stripe
3. Cash
4. Cheque
· Transaction may charges apply
· Miss Kirsty Performers offer discount, at their discretion, for siblings and if a student enrols in more than one class per term.
· In the event that a Student is unable to attend their class due to sickness, holiday or a decision by the Parent or Student a refund will not be payable.
· Parents will be informed of current and following term date and events, such as showcases and exams. (We must be informed at the earliest possible date if the student will not be participating in an event)
· If a class is cancelled, the parent will be informed, and a replacement class will be offered. If a replacement class can not be offered by Miss Kirsty’s Performers, a refund will be made for the cancelled class.
· Unless notified before the half term break of the current term, a student is automatically enrolled into the class for the following term. If the parent does not notify Kirsty before the half term break that the student does not wish to continue with their current class, then you will remain liable for half of the full term fee in respect of the next term, regardless of attendance of the student, at the discretion of Kirsty Cartlidge.
· Students participate at their own risk and are obliged to inform the teacher at Miss Kirsty’s Performers of any existing injuries are medical conditions. Applications must have known conditions stated and any changes must be notified in writing.
· Students must wear suitable and appropriate clothing at all time.
· If a student is unwell or has an accident the parent will be contact via the emergency contact details provided. Parents are solely responsible for ensuring emergency contact details with Miss Kirsty’s Performer’s records are up to date.
· Students are responsible for their own belongings; Miss Kirsty’s Performers can accept no liability for lost or stolen belongings.
· The Liability of Miss Kirsty’s Performers and its staff is restricted to class times only of which the student is enrolled in and then only to gross negligence.
· Miss Kirsty’s Performers may, at its own discretion, refuse a student entry to class or activity if it is felt that the student’s behaviour is unacceptable.
· Miss Kirsty’s Performers reserves the right to make changes to the timetable, venue and/or fees.
Media Policy
· Film and photography will not be distributed or displayed without your consent. You have the right to object to specific footage or images being used and we will adhere to this. You have the right to change your consent at any point. Please acknowledge that it may not be possible to withdraw footage and images from circulation if it has been published prior to your objection
· Filming and photography will always be appropriate and relevant. It will be stored on a work purpose device
· We may use a third party for filming and photography (for example, at our annual showcase). In these cases, the third party will agree to adhere to our policies. We are not responsible for third party policies and practices.
· Footage and photography may be shared for marketing and family entertainment purposes, for example our annual showcase DVD and Facebook page.
· Disclosure of personal date will never accompany any image or footage of your child. Our full Personal Data Protection policy can be viewed upon request in class or sent to you via email.
· Miss Kirsty’s Performers collects your data when you contact us through our website, by phone, email, writing, our social media site or from a third party.
· Miss Kirsty’s Performers only collects data necessary to carry out our business, provide a service you require or to keep you informed.
· Your data is processed by Mrs Kirsty Cartlidge and Class4kids management Software
· Miss Kirsty’s Performers will keep data only as long as is reasonably necessary for purpose. For example, enquiries (12 months)
· You have the right to ask Miss Kirsty’s Performers to amend or stop use of your information at any point.
· Miss Kirsty’s Performers offer examinations with the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (ISTD) and the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA). If your child chooses to participate in an exam by one of the above governing bodies, some personal information, ie full name, date of birth etc, will be shared between Mrs Kirsty Cartlidge and either the ISTD or LAMDA, in order to enter students for exams.